The QEW Pirate Ship

August 03, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Pirate Ship Shipwreck, La Grande Hermine at Jordan Harbor on Lake OntarioPirate Ship ShipwreckLa Grande Hermine It happens all too often. There's a roadside attraction that I would really like to stop for and explore but for million different reasons do not (An Irresistible Urge to Stop). I've been trying to work on that, making sure I do not grow my already never-ending list of locations to return to. On this occasion, I knocked one such location off the list and finally stopped for the "QEW Shipwreck".

Clearly, I was not the only one interested in the ship. Cormorants took over the ship and were using it as a high platform for their fishing dives. That worked for me, as they made the shipwreck that much more interesting allowing not only for photos of the whole ship and her reflection but also some close ups of the weathered masts, now cormorant perches.

Not only was it fun to finally see La Grande Hermine up close but my stop at Jordan Harbor also provided a nice driving break between Toronto and Buffalo.

Photographically, since the ship was against some strong backlight, I experimented with how much of the subject to show and how much to throw into a silhouette. At the same time, the rendering of the nice clouds above kept changing. In the end, I allowed the highlights to drive the exposure, pushing it as bright as possible without losing the clouds. I liked the overall darker result adding drama to this decaying beauty.

I also walked a bit more around, scouted the nearby beach and the lake views it offered, and did some rock hopping along the harbor breakwater. Fully recharged and stretched, I hopped back in the car and enjoyed a short drive to my next photo destination.

One mission completed, many more to go!

Pirate Cormorants, La Grande Hermine -
 Jordan Harbor Shipwreck, CanadaPirate CormorantsLa Grande Hermine

Enjoy the Beauty that Surrounds You! (#etbtsy)

References: Grande Hermine - La Grand Hermine shipwreck in Jordan Harbour

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