Colden Falls in Snow and Ice

December 10, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

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Colden Falls in Snow, Winter in Western New YorkColden Falls in SnowWinter in Western New York Waterfall chasing is certainly a summer activity for most people. However, winter can turn waterfalls into a true winter wonderland. With so much water, ice and snow can completely change their character. Another bonus comes in the form of smaller crowds, if any. In most cases, you will actually have the waterfall and the surrounding area all to yourself.

Ice and snow can also simplify the scene quite a bit. I like that with winter photography in general and waterfalls are no exception. All of the ground clutter gets covered up and it's easy to focus on just the key elements.

In the case of Colden Falls, winter also throws in an extra obstacle. The base of the falls if very difficult, if not impossible, to safely access. Yes, maybe I am a chicken, but all of that streaming frigid water actually triggers a lot of respect in me. Thus, this different vantage point for a place I like to return to often. It's a good thing to try something new and look for different angles, but I really like to get close.

From this elevated vantage point, I actually liked the vertical view the most. I especially liked the splash pool area closed off by the ice, only opening where the rushing water prevented freezing.

Winter at Colden Falls, Western New York WinterWinter at Colden FallsWestern New York Winter

Winter at Colden Falls, Western New York Winter

Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You (#etbtsy)!

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Colden Falls in Warm Weather:

Colden Falls, Colden, New York (NY), a waterfall on West Branch Cazenovia Creek.Colden FallsColden, NY Colden Falls Head On, a Beautiful Waterfall near Buffalo, New York (NY)Colden Falls Head OnColden, NY


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