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Photography helps me realize how much the world around us is changing. It is so because I pay more attention to my surroundings when I am out with a camera and then I also get a second chance to relive the moment when either seeing the photo on my computer or when making prints in the darkroom. And all of the images also give me archives to go back to and compare. With the passage of time this library is growing bigger reaching further and further back and maybe that's why I've observed more and more changes recently. Sometimes, the changes are quite subtle, other times they're quite striking. And that was the case this day.
I had a color photo from a few years back that I thought would look really great on black and white film. The day was excellent with blue sunny skies and some nice white clouds wandering about. So I jumped in the car and headed out.
I drove slowly looking around and finding a few other rural photo stops. Then, I finally arrived, pulled over, and just starred into the distance. This was not what I expected! Yes, the road was there leading into the valley, even the barn and the house were down there. The sky was also where I left it. But where's the tree? I walked down a bit and found the unfortunate answer to the mystery when my eyes spotted the stump. Yes, a beautiful large tree reduced to a stump.
So today instead of sharing a fresh new photo I am instead sharing what I had the wonderful opportunity to see six years ago! Yes, the few years I thought it was turned out to be six as the timestamp on the photo clearly states 2012. I hope you enjoy this preserved moment from the past.
Countryside at SunsetRural Western New York
Rural Countryside at Sunset, Western New York
Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You (#etbtsy)!
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