Seaside Pinhole Photography II

July 23, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

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Previously on pinhole photography: A New Chapter, a New Book - Pinhole PhotographyFilm Pinhole PhotographySeaside Pinhole PhotographyLake Erie Lakeshore on PinholeErie Basin Marina on Pinhole, Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2017The Final SixLarge Format PinholeLarge Format Pinhole by Cargill Pool Grain ElevatorLarge Format Pinhole of Orchard Park Train DepotLarge Format Pinhole of Green LakeCobblestone on Pinhole, Buffalo, NYWPPD 2018Seaside Pinhole Photography II

Zero Image 135 Dual Format Back to Nature SeriesZero Image 135Dual Format Back to Nature Series Today I am jumping two years back to continue a story I had started then and believed to have finished. However, while reviewing my pinhole photographs today I realized I have not. I really struggle with this one as I remember posting at least three of my most favorite photographs from that roll of film shot on my 35mm Zero Image pinhole camera. There is no evidence though to support that memory.

Anyway, let's work on correcting that today with a few more seaside pinhole photos. The 35mm film does not give the pinhole photographs all of their signature features. Yes, there is an overall lack of sharpness but there is no distortion and light fall off. But the tiny pinhole combined with a slow film land themselves really well to long exposure photography. And you know what else lands itself really well to long exposures? Yep, you guessed it, a beautiful coastline with wild surf.

Makawehi Lithified Cliffs, Hawaii - Zero Image 35mm Pinhole Camera, Ilford PANF Plus 50 Black & White FilmMakawehi Lithified CliffsZero Image 35mm Pinhole Camera, Ilford PANF Plus 50 Black & White Film

Makawehi Lithified Cliffs in Kauai, Hawaii on Zero Image 35mm Pinhole Camera, Ilford PAN F Plus 50 Black & White Film

Ke'e Beach, Kauai, Hawaii - Zero Image 35mm Pinhole Camera, Ilford PANF Plus 50 Black & White FilmKe'e BeachZero Image 35mm Pinhole Camera, Ilford PANF Plus 50 Black & White Film

Ke'e Beach, Hawaii on Zero Image 35mm Pinhole Camera, Ilford PAN F Plus 50 Black & White Film

It turns out I am not crazy after all, or at least not for the reason mentioned at the top of this post. Apparently, it was not a blog post where I shared these photos but my April 2016 newsletter. What a relief!

Enjoy the Beauty that Surrounds You! (#etbtsy)

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