Sometimes it's the grand landscapes that catch my eye, other times it is the minute details. Details we all may pass every day without ever noticing or paying attention to them. I find I pay more attention to my surroundings when I have a camera in my hand.
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I have selected a single black and white photo to share with you today. It's of an old stump in a park very close to where I live. I must have walked by the stump many times. But this day, with an old Rolleiflex from the 1940s in my hand I was really paying attention. If only the stump could talk. How did the tree come to life? Was it planted or did a random seed successfully germinate at the spot? What was the final nail in its life before it was cut down?
The Stump, Chestnut Ridge Park
Photographed on Film: Rolleiflex Automat, Fomapan 100
I have just visited the same location last week while chasing fall colors and the stump was gone, ground, only wood chips left. Yes, it was only a stump but I am still glad I photographed it while it was still there.
Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy
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Bent OverForest