Through Fall

November 11, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Only a few trees have retained some of their leaves at this point but I don't see a problem living in the colorful dream for a little longer. Let's keep the colors around for a bit. It's Sunday evening now and the forecast for Monday seems a bit white so let's see how much longer we can keep the dream going.

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A beautiful fall day, a wonderful alley of colorful trees and a winding road. First a zig, then a zag. That is the spot! A quick look through the viewfinder, a few steps back and forth, left and right, then a gentle push of the shutter and the moment is preserved. If not for eternity then at least for the next few winter months until the first greens show up in spring.

Country Road through Fall, Knox Farm State Park, East Aurora, New York (NY)Country Road through FallKnox Farm State Park

Country Road through Fall
Photographed on film: Pentax Spotmatic, Kodak Ektar 100

Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy

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Thomas L. Kelly Covered Bridge in Colors, Allegany State  Park, Salamanca, New York (NY)Covered Bridge Covered with ColorsFall Colors Watkins Glen Window, Fall ColorsWatkins Glen WindowFall Colors Foggy Meadows and Fences at Sunrise, Knox Farm, East Aurora - Buffalo, New York (NY)Meadows and Fences at Sunrise, Knox FarmFall colors


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