Colorful Buffalo

February 03, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

I'm getting a bit tired of this new weather pattern we've seen over a few years now. Winter comes in strong and leaves abruptly just a few days later with all of that beautiful white snow and ice turning into a dirty mush. What a waste! No worries though, this post is not going to be filled with me wining about the weather. Instead, it will be a bit of a catch up on a long overdue pair of photos.

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My recent post The 70s Look? reminded me of these. If you're wondering why, you'll have to click the link and see for yourself. As the winter did to us, I am doing to winter and abandoning white & cold posts. See, there was a reason behind the opening after all. I hope you can feel the warmth radiating from these photos.

The train stop at Canalside is the subject of the first photo, with a northbound train ready for its trip up Main Street. The very early morning colors were wonderful and begged to be captured in a photograph. That's definitely one of the great things about summer. Yes, sunrises are early but when I wake up and get on location even before the sunrise I don't tent to meet a lot of other people. And that is just fine by me.

Train at Erie Canal Harbor, Canalside, Buffalo, NYTrain at Erie Canal HarborBuffalo, NY

Train at Erie Canal Harbor, Canalside, Buffalo, NY

For the second photo, I walked to the other side of Canalside to enjoy a quiet view of the Buffalo River and its mouth to Lake Erie. Not only did I find that but I also found a very interesting juxtaposition of two ships. The USS Little Rock battle ship behind the masts and ropes of a small sailboat. My timing worked great as well as the rising sun illuminated the back of the navy ship and its name.

USS Little Rock & Spirit of Buffalo, Canalside, Buffalo, NYLittle Rock & Spirit of BuffaloCanalside, Buffalo, NY

USS Little Rock & Spirit of Buffalo, Canalside, Buffalo, NY

Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy

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