Spring Rumble

March 26, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Is it about time for spring to show up? I think so. Let's at least enjoy its looks on today's blog post. First, spring brings water to creeks and rivers that may not have so much of it later in the year. And later, nature bursts in greens and finally breaks up the six months of gray!

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And all of that is great for putting the hiking shoes on and hitting the trail, whether for a short local walk or a long back-country trail. I am not into video but the humming of water rushing by sometimes prompts me to change things up a bit and capture a moving picture rather than my usual still. So first, pick a rock, sit down, and enjoy for a few seconds.

In Motion: Spring under Akron FallsSounds of Spring

In Motion: Spring under Akron Falls - Sounds of Spring

Now how to translate this experience into a still photograph? For the motion of the flowing water, two approaches are possible. One can go with a really fast shutter speed and capture tack sharp droplets of water suspended in the air. In my opinion, that works really well for powerful rivers with rapids full of power. Another approach is to go with a long exposure, half a second or longer, to allow the flowing water to blur into continuous strands of water. The longer the exposure the less pronounced the individual strands get and everything gradually changes into one milky and misty body of water. It's up to the photographer to decide what fits the mood best. I wanted to retain most of the different patterns to show the direction in which the water moved around the rocks and selected a fairly short long exposure of 0.8 seconds.

Spring under Akron Falls - Flowing & HummingSpring under Akron FallsFlowing & Humming

Spring under Akron Falls - Flowing & Humming

Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy

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