Twin Lens Challenge Zine 2020

December 09, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Twin Lens Challenge Zine (TLR), an International Collaboration of Film PhotographersTwin Lens Challenge Zine2020 This was such a fun project with a group of 23 international film photographers! And I am so glad I managed to wrap things up in time for everyone getting their copy before this crazy year of 2020 is over. And yes, we printed a few extra ones so if you are interested, click on one of the images below and get a copy of your own.

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It all started back on June 1, 2020 when we formed the group to do the project. All photos had to be made using a Twin Lens Reflex Camera. Each photographer committed to shooting three rolls of 120 black and white film and selecting one photo from each roll plus one wild card to submit to the group. Then we voted on each four selecting the final two for each photographer. Twenty-three photographers, two photographs each, that gives you forty-six total previously unpublished photographs to enjoy in the zine.

The zine is only available in this printed form to provide a tangible physical output from the project in this increasingly digital world where ones and zeros are quickly born and die a few seconds later. Whether you get a copy to enjoy yourself or give as a gift to someone, the hope is that they will pause, sit down with a beverage, and flip through the pages white reading the individual commentary each photographer provided.

Twin Lens Challenge Zine (TLR), an International Collaboration of Film PhotographersTwin Lens Challenge Zine2020

Yes, as you flip the pages, you will have an opportunity to learn about Twin Lens Reflex cameras, about this project, a little bit about each photographer and also about each featured photograph.

Twin Lens Challenge Zine (TLR), an International Collaboration of Film PhotographersTwin Lens Challenge Zine2020

Grab a copy, take a moment to pause the hustle and bustle, and enjoy!

Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy

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Using my links to do your shopping keeps me sharing more photographs and writing the stories behind them (commission earned) and costs you nothing. You can also use the Amazon search box in bottom left for anything at all. I truly appreciate each purchase, no matter how large, no matter how small. Thank you!

Zine Issue 1: Road Trip 2018Zine Issue 1Road Trip 2018 Zine Issue 2: Chasing WaterfallsZine Issue 2Chasing Waterfalls The 135mm Challenge Zine 2019, The Negative Positives Film Photography PodcastThe 135mm ChallengeZine 2019 Zine Issue 3: South Carolina Road Trip 2019Zine Issue 3South Carolina Road Trip 2019


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