A beautiful sunny evening and temperatures in the 70s made for wonderful conditions to combine two hobbies. I grabbed my Nikon FE2 with a previously started roll of Ilford FP4 black and white film, a bottle of water, placed both in the bag on the motorcycle and headed out to explore the countryside.
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Whether in a car or on a motorcycle I like small back roads, the smaller and less frequented the better. When I am out to enjoy the scenery the thing I want last is someone in a hurry on my tail. In fact, if I can find a road where I won't run into other cars at all that is ideal. Unfortunately, that is more and more difficult here around Buffalo, NY. It seems there are more and more cars everywhere with each year.
Country Roads on MotorcycleWestern New York
Country Roads on a Motorcycle, Western New York
Photographed with a Nikon FE2 on Ilford FP4 Black and White Film
I had a vague idea where to start. I have always liked the Centerline Road as it finds its way over the rolling hills to the east. And a starting point is really all one needs. After that, it's just a matter of looking around and making random turns based on what looks interesting. In fact, the closer one gets to getting lost the better. No longer having a destination in mind provides a complete freedom to simply enjoy the moment.
Black Cow on a Pasture, Western New York
Photographed with a Nikon FE2 on Ilford FP4 Black and White Film
The only limiting factor becomes time as the fading light of the evening makes picture taking impossible at some point. And returning home on the small country roads in the dark can be challenging too as they may not be that well maintained and potholes can lurk.
Happy Cows Resting on a Pasture, Western New York
Photographed with a Nikon FE2 on Ilford FP4 Black and White Film
My equipment for these rides is very simplistic. No camera bag full of gadgets, no tripod. Usually just one camera pre-loaded with film based on the weather and one filter already mounted on the lens. It's all tuned up for a quick action so that I can pull over, take the picture, and move on. The motorcycle has some advantages over cars as it fits easier on the side without blocking the road.
Geese on Pond WatchWestern New York
Geese on Pond Watch, Western New York
Photographed with a Nikon FE2 on Ilford FP4 Black and White Film
By now, temperatures have dropped below freezing and we have switched from daylight savings time back to standard. Thus, it's dark after 5 p.m. And even worse, the roads have seen their first doses of salt. More rides like this may have to wait until spring or some longer heat waves coming through the region. Until the next one!
Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy
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A House Past PrimeBlack & White
Sportster 1200 CustomBlack & White
Stormy Weather over the LakeBlack & White
Nostalgic Hydraulic HearthBlack & White
Hamburg Palace ClassicBlack & White