Hello everybody and thanks for stopping by again. I had a different post in mind for this week but it turned out to be more involved than expected and I do not have it ready yet. Hopefully next week. So in the meantime, please, accept a short post today. An encouragement to get visually lost in a simple scene and let your mind wonder to some happy thoughts.
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I love reflections and especially colorful natural reflections on water. They can be so different. Wind plays a huge role, the lens focal length plays a huge role as it can isolate a smaller section making things more abstract. And shutter speed can also make a huge change as it blurs the ripples on the water. I don't have a problem staring at the water for extended periods of time and just observing the different looks. Give me a camera and I could probably spend half a day at a single spot.
Spring ReflectionIn Sunset Light
Spring Reflection In Sunset Light
Photographed on film: Nikon N75, Nikon AF Nikkor 28-105, Kodak Portra 160
It's sunny, it's warm, so head out and find your quiet place to contemplate, to reflect, to be happy :-)
Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy
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Fall Abstract at Moss LakeAutumn Colors
Photographic Painting of FallAutumn Colors
Fall ColorsAbstract