Rock cities are so full of mystery. Quite often, they have a rich history in which they played an important role. Other times, especially those located in the Czech Republic, they provided the setting for some wonderful fairy-tales. And then there's one's imagination when wondering through these small labyrinths where it's not all that difficult to get lost.
The rock city at the Ostaš table mountain is no different. Actually, it may be. While the rock cities of Adršpach and Teplice Rocks are very famous and very touristy Ostaš has been saved that fate so far. Every time I post about a place like this I pause. Should I be writing the post? Or would it be better not to and let it be a secret gem for a little longer. So please, if it is this post that prompts you to visit, be respectful, take only pictures and leave only footprints. I hope places like this can survive and keep their mystique for many future generations,
Up to Rock City Ostaš, Czech Republic
The initial climb to the hiking loops through the labyrinths of Ostaš is very unrevealing. There's really no indication of what's to come. It is just an ordinary path through the woods, right? And then the incline gets a little steeper and then things start popping up. And before you know it it's easy to experience a system overload. There are gorgeous sights everywhere!
Rock City Ostaš, Czech Republic
Squeezing through some very narrow passages, wondering what's around the next bend, being concerned about one's way out or way back, climbing up to get a better view, reaching the peak of the mountain and being in awe about what Mother Nature created here. Yes, those are just some of many emotions you may be prone to experiencing at Ostaš. It's a paradise for many types of people: the nature lovers, avid hikers, fearless climbers, thrill seekers, and yes, photographers. Finishing a roll of film or even filling up a memory card is not out of question here!
Cat Rocks, OstašCzech Republic
Cat Rocks, Rock City Ostaš, Czech Republic
I hope I can return soon :-)
Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)
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Continued a while later on More from Rock City Ostaš.
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Entering Fairy TaleRock Cities
Fairy Tale TrailRock Cities
Squeezed Between RocksRock Cities
High WallsRock Cities
Rising HighRock Cities