Stormy over Buffalo, NY

May 23, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Mamiya RB67Mamiya RB67 I don't understand how it took me so long to post these photos. There's a bit of a gap between me taking pictures and then developing and scanning them but everything eventually makes it to a physical binder as well as bits on a hard drive. However, only a tiny fraction sees the light of day afterwards. Some of it is just a selection process when I don't feel like I should share the photographs but other times, it is just not spending sufficient time on the publishing task.

Whether it is digital posts on my website or social media, making inkjet prints, darkroom prints, zines, or cyanotypes, I feel like it is that phase that deserves a lot more attention. In the end, what is the purpose of capturing the world around us if the pictures cannot be seen again? To be fair, photo taking motivates me to spend more time outside in fresh air and under the sun so there's still that purpose for me. But is that enough?

So how long has it been? These photos are from summer 2020. It was only my second roll with a new to me Mamiya RB67 and as such I was mostly focused on learning to use it rather that having any high expectations. The camera is a beast, heavy as a tank, and requires a certain process to execute a photo session successfully. In many aspects, it is similar to large format work.

Yet, when I arrived on location my hopes of cooperating weather seemed to meet and exceed my expectations. The storm that was rolling through the area at sunset time was just clearing the western sky and moving overhead and over the city. While absolutely perfect that put a bit of a time pressure on me as I did not have time to waste.

Passing Storm over Buffalo, Dramatic Buffalo, New York. Mamiya RB67, Kodak Tri-X 400,  Kodak XTOL.Passing Storm over BuffaloDramatic Buffalo, New York

Passing Storm over Buffalo, Dramatic Buffalo, New York
Photographed with a Mamiya RB67 medium format camera on Kodak Tri-X 400 black and white film

As you can see, it all worked out. I got my photo! The scene lasted for a few minutes before the sun dipped under the horizon at my back, which gave me a chance to point the camera in a few different directions.

Erie Basin Marina after Storm, Buffalo, NY. Mamiya RB67, Kodak Tri-X 400,  Kodak XTOL.Erie Basin Marina after StormBuffalo, NY

Erie Basin Marina after Storm, Buffalo, New York
Photographed with a Mamiya RB67 medium format camera on Kodak Tri-X 400 black and white film

For the last photograph in this set, I decided to place the focus on the boats in the marina and use the city and the storm as a backdrop. I moved closer to one of the docks and the fence and framed the below photo. I really like how it all came together even now two years later. The clouds look like someone painted them in with a paint brush and their jagged edges fit the Dock D sign perfectly.

Dock D, Erie Basin Marina, Buffalo, NY.Dock D, Erie Basin MarinaBuffalo, NY

Dock D, Erie Basin Marina, Buffalo, NY
Photographed with a Mamiya RB67 medium format camera on Kodak Tri-X 400 black and white film

I was really happy with the results and yet, this remains the last Tri-X I used. It's been almost two years and maybe it's time to get a roll or two ready for the next summer storm? We'll see.

Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy

Instagram @danielnovakphoto - Facebook @danielnovakphoto - flickr @masinka

Do you enjoy reading my photography blog? Would you like to see more photographs from Buffalo and Western New York? Visit my Buffalo Cityscapes and Buffalo & Western New York Landscapes and enjoy! For more travel photography, my Travel Photography gallery offers an interesting mix of places all around. Please, let me know if you have any questions about any photo products offered, or not offered, I will be happy to help! For a quick reference to all photo galleries and collections as well as all photo products currently offered through my site, please, visit the Products page.

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