Winter's Around

January 23, 2025  •  Leave a Comment

This winter had a very hesitant arrival and mirrored the last few years. Some heavy snowfall in December followed by a warm up and a complete snowmelt down to grass. And repeat. January is trying to repair winter's reputation, temperatures have remained low, snow has arrived, and stuck around. While driving can be treacherous the landscape looks beautiful and even the urban scene looks clean and pretty. It's helping that it's so cold that salt does not work, and apparently municipalities are low on salt. So none of the dirty mush on the roads. Even those look pretty. And after all, driving on the plowed and packed snow might actually be safer than a few inches of slush.

Lamp in Snow, Winter in Western New York, Orchard Park, New York.Lamp in SnowWinter in Western New York

Lamp in Snow, Winter in Western New York, Orchard Park, New York

Put on some warm clothes and head out to enjoy the beautiful winter wonderland we now have. Who knows what the weather brings next.

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)

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