Back to the Pier for a Winter Look

March 01, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Broken pier missing wood boards, wide angle, colors added with Cokin Yellow Blue filter, Lake Erie, Buffalo, New York (NY).A Pier on Lake Erie, Buffalo, NY

My favorite activity, going back and revisiting past locations for different looks. This time, it was the broken pier on Lake Erie. My last visit resulted in some long exposures with the Cokin Yellow and Blue filter.

This time around, I went closer with a longer focal length, did not use any filters, and did not have a need for a long exposure. There was no moving water to smooth out. There was only ice under the pier, a nice signature of the winter season in Buffalo.

Getting these wonderful frozen looks has not been all that easy lately. Last winter they were plain impossible since the lake never froze. And this year, periods of low freezing temperatures were often followed by a significant warm up and rain. Here, I rushed in between the two events to make sure I got some winter looks before March rolls in and puts a permanent end to this winter season.

Aside for photographing this pier, I also had fun watching the ice fishermen roll in with the daybreak and navigate the slippery and not so thick ice. It was a great morning and I am sure I will be back for more.

Anyway, here is the winter look:

Broken pier over frozen Lake Erie, Outer Harbor, Waterfront, Buffalo, New York (NY).Lake Erie Pier, Buffalo, NY

A return visit to the broken pier on Lake Erie, this time in winter with ice under

Have fun!

Older posts on revisiting locations: Revisit Your Locations, Revisiting Locations Revisited, Even Little Distance can Provide Different Autumn LookThe Changes at Eighteen Mile Creek, Winter's Turn


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