More Travel Treasures, Drying Garlic

September 01, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Hanging Drying Garlic, Travel Treasures, Czech RepublicDrying GarlicTravel Treasures

As generations replace generations too many old traditions disappear. I really enjoy traveling through rural areas and looking for things you won't see in cities any more and capturing photographs to preserve them forever. And who knows, maybe the photographs won't just become documents of something that went extinct. Maybe they'll serve as reminders to keep them from extinction, or bring them back.

Each country and often a region puts its own wonderful spin on traditions too. Things may be done differently, using different tools, different process. Travel photography is a great way to look for, explore, and capture the nuances.

This photograph of a bunch of freshly harvested garlic reminds me of a sight I was so used to in my childhood, both in my parents' place and (especially) in my grandparents'.

As often with photographs of the old I felt black and white was the better way to present this one. I did a simple black and white conversion using the channel mixer setting the filter just between yellow and green. However, since the cord was blue it turned black in the converted photo and became barely visible. To keep in more prominent, I added a step before the conversion to brighten the luminance of blue.

Equipment usedNikon D600 (replaced by Nikon D610)Nikon 24-85mm Nikkor LensThink Tank Speed Demon Waist PackPetzl Zipka Plus 2 Headlamp (always in the bag just in case), Jackery Bar 5600mAh (usually on hand to keep the smart phone going), SanDisk Extreme 32GB SD CardsNikon Capture NX2.

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