Hawaii became the 50th state to join the United States on August 21, 1959. The capital city is Honolulu (Oahu). The highest point is Mauna Kea at 13,803 feet (4207 meters) (island of Hawaii, aka The Big Island), a dormant volcano last erupting 2460 BC. Mauna Kea is over 33,000 feet (10000 meters) tall, making it the world's tallest mountain measured from its base to the summit; the majority of which is under water. The highest point on Kauai is Kawakini Peak about a mile south of Mt. Waialeale, the volcano that originally built up the island.
Previously from Hawaii: The Beginning - Seaside Pinhole Photography - Tropical Clichés - Windy Drama of a Tropical Morning - Quite an Ad - Searching for Sun and Warmth
Polihale State Park BeachKauai, Hawaii
This trip to the Garden Island of Hawaii trailed a very cold front and it was very perceptible on every move we made. Temperatures were comfortable, but cool, more for hiking than beach activities. After a few days one does get the itch to hit the beach though. In our search for sunshine and more warmth we made another attempt at Polihale State Park on the western side of Kauai. Our previous attempt a few years before failed as the access dirt road was flooded in several places and not being able to see the depth of the puddles I did not want to risk getting the rental stuck.
This time, there were no signs of water. A completely dry path lead us all the way to our destination. And yes, we found sunshine along with beautiful puffy clouds floating overhead. But warmth, that was a different story. While the sun made a nice attempt at it the breeze from the Pacific Ocean pretty much negated that.
The guides often warn about the swimming conditions here, the rough surf, and the undertow. And I can attest to that! However, a photographer's heart was happy. A beautiful beach, beautiful mountains at the northeast end of the beach, marking the southwestern tip of the famous Na Pali coast, beautiful clouds above, surf splashing around and flooding the sandy beach over and over, what's not to like?
I found several compositions I liked and then worked each to capture the interaction with water. Here, I am sharing two very similar photos with you. Once more of a cliché of a tropical sandy beach, and one I am more partial to that fills that beach with rocks. Which one do you like more?
Polihale Beach RocksKauai, Hawaii
Polihale State Park Beach Rocks, Kauai, Hawaii
Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)
References: Hawaii on 50states.com
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