Architecture in Black & White

September 05, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Every morning makes it apparent the summer days with long periods of daylight are leaving us. It's pitch black when the alarm goes off and the light is barely breaking when the school buses start rolling around. I like light. Could we rewind the clock for a bit? 

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Today, I would like to share a bit of an architectural study. And for architecture, black and white often works well. And black and white works great for a Thursday post!

I often drive by the entrance to the Hilbert College in Hamburg, NY. And often I break my own rules not to postpone shooting to another day. But this day, I was ready and the conditions seemed just right. And I loved just about everything about this opening scene. A beautiful building with a pool in front to offer a reflection. The surface of the pool partially overgrown and moodily blocking the reflection. And who would not like a fountain? And as a cherry on top, the trees provided quite a way to frame the scene in. Especially the leaning one!

Hilbert College Reflection, Hamburg, NYHilbert College ReflectionHamburg, NY

Hilbert College Reflection, Hamburg, NY
Shot on film: Nikon FE, Ilford Delta 100

Then just walk around and you get another wonderful view of the same building from the back. I really like the tall entrance and the ample use of glass to let light in. See, we're back to liking the light!

Franciscan Hall, Hilbert College, Hamburg, NYFranciscan HallHamburg, NY

Franciscan Hall, Hilbert College, Hamburg, NY
Shot on film: Nikon FE, Ilford Delta 100

The whole campus offers several opportunities to focus on architectural symmetry, like in the Campus Center photo below.

Campus Center, Hilbert College, Hamburg, NYCampus CenterHamburg, NY

Campus Center, Hilbert College, Hamburg, NY
Shot on film: Nikon FE, Ilford Delta 100

And yes, the topic of symmetry carries over to the next photo and another thing I like to do, which is to allow the symmetry to be broken, even if very subtly. It would have been very easy to walk a little closer and eliminate that intruding shadow on the left but this was how I liked the scene the most. All perfectly symmetrical until the shadow just crept in.

McGrath Library Symmetry, Hilbert College, Hamburg, NYMcGrath Library SymmetryHamburg, NY

McGrath Library Symmetry, Hilbert College, Hamburg, NY
Shot on film: Nikon FE, Ilford Delta 100

So that's your dose of black and white architecture for the day. Thanks for stopping buy, I hope to see you back soon!

Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy

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