Rybník Špinka in Fog

November 16, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

With the complete lack of travel in 2020 I have not been motivated to post my past travel pictures either. As such, couple series have had a rather long break. As I sat down on Sunday evening and browsed through couple options for Monday I have decided to break the travel drought and am taking you on a trip to the Czech Republic.

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Fog is usually a fall phenomena so I was rather surprised to wake up into a think fog at the beginning of summer. My surprise turned into an alarm quickly though as I scurried to find some clothes, my camera bag, and shoes and I was out of the door in minutes. I love fog and I know how fleeting it can be. At least at this location I had no driving to do. The lake was just couple minutes on foot.

Špinka in Fog (Rybnik Spinka), Czech RepublicŠpinka in FogCzech Republic

Špinka in Fog, Czech Republic

I quickly explored the near shore and peed through high grass and bushes to explore a nice viewpoint. The fog remained very thick and I had to find some foreground to include that would actually remain visible. In the end, I found a few vantage points I liked and am sharing one of those with you today.

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)

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Ballooning above Špinka, Červený Kostelec, Czech RepublicBallooning above ŠpinkaCzech Republic Squeezed Between Rocks, Czech RepublicSqueezed Between RocksCzech Republic Path through Fields of Gold, a Rolling Hill Dirt Road in Nemotice, Czech Republic, Europe.Path through Fields of GoldCzech Republic

Chvalkovice Wind Mill at Dusk, rolling hills of Southern Moravia, Czech Republic, Europe.Chvalkovice Wind Mill at DuskCzech Republic Winding road through rolling hills of Southern Moravia, Mouchnice, Czech Republic, Europe.Rolling Hills of Southern MoraviaCzech Republic


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