Bright and Happy Fall World

November 09, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Last post was a celebration of the wonderful bright and sunny summer we had here in Western New York. And today, I am continuting in the same spirit while moving one season forward. The 2020 fall was absolutely gorgeous with plenty of sunshine for everybody to enjoy it and forget about all of the troubles this year brought.

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This was not a year of long-distance travel, this was a year to explore one's back yard. And there was so much when one cared to look. We revisited many familiar places and enjoyed sights we had seen many times before, we found new trails in those familiar places, and we found completely new destinations that we'd never visited before despite living so close to them for so long. And yes, my cameras joined us on these trips.

Today's post is very close to home. It is literally just up the hill. Chestnut Ridge park has beautiful colors to offer each year and this fall was no exception. I love looking for frames of pure nature excluding any signs of humanity but I also enjoy including paths and roads in my photographs. Maybe it is because they make the photographs more ordinary and closer to what we see every day. Maybe it is because the paths take us somewhere forward. Or maybe it is because of something altogether different.

Colors Turning at Chestnut Ridge, Fall Foliage, Orchard Park, NYColors Turning at Chestnut RidgeFall Foliage

Colors Turning at Chestnut Ridge, Orchard Park, NY
Photographed with a Rolleiflex Automat on Kodak Portra 160 Color Negative Film

On this bright fall day I had my 1940s twin lens reflex Rolleiflex camera with me loaded with 12 available exposures of Kodak Portra 160. Over the last few years I have really enjoyed the subtle colors of this film. To me it provides a nice counterbalance to today's digital world full of bold saturated colors that go way above and beyond what things look like naturally. As such, the subtlety allows me ro rest my eyes and take a stroll through the outdoors scenes without being immediately overwhelmed.

Red and Orange Chestnut Ridge Park, Fall Foliage, Orchard Park, NYRed and Orange Chestnut Ridge ParkFall Foliage

Red and Orange Chestnut Ridge Park, Orchard Park, NY
Photographed with a Rolleiflex Automat on Kodak Portra 160 Color Negative Film

How about you? Which photographic version of the colorful season do you prefer?

Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy

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Lower Emery Falls in the FallLower Emery Falls in the FallColorful Outdoors Fall At Watkins GlenFall At Watkins GlenColorful Outdoors


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