Local Train in Moravian WildernessThe Brno - Uhersky Brod route near the village of Nemotice
Previously from the Czech Republic: Of Trains & Stations, A Stroll through Moravian Countryside, Sunset Stroll through Southern Moravian Countryside, Rolling Hills and Poppy Fields, There are as many pubs as there are poppy seeds ..., More Travel Treasures, Drying Garlic, Treasures of Travels, The Power of Simplicity (of the iPhone), Take Me Home, Country Road ..., Sound of Music Induced Moment of Nostalgia, Travel in Space & Time, Of Trains & Stations, Rock Cities, Mills, History, and More, All About the Rolling Hills, An Irresistible Urge to Stop, Czech Countryside, Trains through the Moravian Countryside
Transportation makes for interesting photo subjects for me, whether it comes to planes, ships, or trains. And trains are the subject of today's post. This particular day, there were several benefits to the train chasing. I had an opportunity to spend time with my dad on a really long walk, we both had a chance to enjoy the rolling hills of the Southern Moravian countryside, and yes, we both tried to catch a train or two in our photographs.
Entering the S-CurveThe Brno - Uhersky Brod route near the village of Nemotice
Banking through the TurnThe Brno - Uhersky Brod route near the village of Nemotice
Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)
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