So Peaceful

May 10, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

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Previously from Hawaii: The Beginning - Seaside Pinhole Photography - Tropical Clichés - Windy Drama of a Tropical Morning - Quite an Ad - Searching for Sun and Warmth - Not Your Sunrise Cliché - So Peaceful

People gather to watch the sunset on the south shore of Kaua`i, sun performs its daily show, darkness starts rolling in, people leave. Then, the real colorful show begins as day turns into night. All you can hear is the repeated crashing of waves against the black ʻaʻā filled shore (the rough sharp type of lava as opposed to the smooth flows of pāhoehoe) and the buzzing of the evening breeze. Just close your eyes and be there. All of the problems of this world are gone, even if just for the brief moment.

Night Settling In, Kauai, HawaiiNight Settling InKauai, Hawaii

Night Settling In, Kauai, Hawaii

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)

References: Hawaii on

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Hawaii became the 50th state to join the United States on August 21, 1959. The capital city is Honolulu (Oahu). The highest point is Mauna Kea at 13,803 feet (4207 meters) (island of Hawaii, aka The Big Island), a dormant volcano last erupting 2460 BC. Mauna Kea is over 33,000 feet (10000 meters) tall, making it the world's tallest mountain measured from its base to the summit; the majority of which is under water. The highest point on Kauai is Kawakini Peak about a mile south of Mt. Waialeale, the volcano that originally built up the island.


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