Greeting a New Day

November 20, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

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Previously from Letchworth State Park: It's the season of color - Letchworth is getting very colorful!Autumn vs. Summer, Great Bend at Letchworth - Two Birds with One Stone at Letchworth - Letchworth Off The Beaten PathThe Seasons They Are a-Changin' - Watching Time Pass - The Mystery of Papermill Falls - Back at Great Bend for More, Letchworth State Park - Could not Resist - Back for More at Letchworth - Letchworth Icon: Portageville Bridge to Be Replaced - Waterfalling Off the Beaten Path in Letchworth - Nickel Plate Road Engine No. 765 on Letchworth's TrestleMiddle Falls BluesFall Colors & Setting SunGreeting a New Day ... and more posts about the Annual Letchworth Balloon Festival.

Colorful Fall Morning Inspiration, Middle & Upper Falls, Letchworth State ParkColorful Morning InspirationLetchworth State Park I am not a fan of the daylight savings time. Let me clarify, I am not a fan of the changes that come along with it. If I had my choice, I'd just switch to daylight savings time permanently as I like the long summer days and am less concerned about darkness in the morning. But don't worry, I am not going to bore you with the benefits, or the lack of, of DST. I will admit though that the changes sometimes come with benefits.

Like this time. As the clock rolled back it put enough time between sunrise and the start of a business day, all of a sudden allowing me to enjoy a daybreak at a wonderful place away from people with mostly just birds sharing the moment with me. And it did not even require the crazy wake up time of 4 a.m. that's needed at the peak of daylight savings time.

Well, I could not exactly sleep in either as I wanted to turn this into a truly relaxing morning. Too many times in the past did I try to save every minute of sleep arriving either just in time or couple minutes too late for the best show. So this time, the alarm announced a new day at 5 a.m. and I was enjoying the fresh air and the dim view of the gorge by 6:30. On weekends, there's a pretty good chance a few people will be around even this early as some of the viewpoints are now too famous for their sunrise views. But on weekdays, that's rare.

And as you can see this is not a typical sunrise photograph. Not only was it very cloudy but you're looking south here, even slightly to the west. As I set up my tripod and started thinking about my composition I saw a very deep and bold red in the sky to my left, even doubting my decision to come here this morning. But each time I refocused knowing that I had previously photographed the sunrise and this was the location that deserved a new look in my photo collection. And the heavy clouds were perfect, diffusing the light and illuminating the whole gorge while providing a nice dramatic backdrop for the colorful foliage. Really, one could not wish for much more.

Now as I am writing this, guess where I'd rather be than in front of the computer screen?

Get Inspired!, Middle & Upper Falls of Letchworth State ParkGet Inspired!Letchworth State Park

Get Inspired!, Middle & Upper Falls of Letchworth State Park

Enjoy the Beauty that Surrounds You! (#etbtsy)

Would you like to see more photographs from Western New York? Visit my Buffalo & Western New York Landscapes and enjoy! To get a dose of fall colors, click through to my Autumn Collection of photographs. Please, let me know if you have any questions about any photo products offered, or not offered, I will be happy to help! For a quick reference to all photo galleries and collections as well as all photo products currently offered through my site, please, visit the Products page.

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An early morning pre-sunrise foggy morning at Big Bend of Letchworth State Park, New York (NY).Foggy Fall Morning Big Bend of Letchworth Cloudy Daybreak at Hog's Back, Letchworth State ParkCloudy DaybreakHog's Back Middle Falls Bright & Clear, Letchworth State ParkMiddle FallsBright & Clear Upper Papermill Falls Waterfall, Silver Lake Outlet, Letchworth State Park, New York StateUpper Papermill FallsLetchworth Papermill Falls Sidekick Waterfall, Silver Lake Outlet, Letchworth State Park, New York StatePapermill Falls SidekickLetchworth Frozen Winter Wonderland under Letchworth State Park's Upper Falls Trestle BridgeUpper Falls WinterTrestle Bridge


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