As 2020 put an end to all travel, or at least travel to faraway places, I also stopped several of my blog series, specifically from the Czech Republic and also from Hawaii. It was not intentional, it just happened. And looking back at it now I am not sure why. Either way, I am restarting those series again and here's to 2021 being a better travel year than 2020 despite the continued challenges.
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In the last post from this series (in 2019; Further up Waimea Canyon), I offered views into the beautiful Waimea Canyon, or the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. Today we are going to look down a deep coastal valley, the best known valley of the gorgeous Na Pali coast of Kauai. Its name is Kalalau Valley and the view you can see here is the only one you can get somewhat easily. Why?
The Na Pali coast at the northwestern part of Kauai is only accessible by kayaks (only in summer) or on foot. On foot, the Kalalau Valley Trail is a very difficult hike (feel free to search Kalalau Trail). By sea, it is a 3-hour kayak paddle to get there plus getting back or traversing the rest of the coast between Ha'ena Beach and Polihale Beach.
The next best thing is two fold. You can drive to the Kalalau Lookout on Kokee Road and enjoy the view from there, or drive as far as the road will take you followed by a short hike to the Pu'u O Kila Lookout. The latter option is more rewarding. Based on how much it rained recently expect to get dirty with the special Hawaiian red dirt that may leave you with a souvenir forever. Both lookouts are a subject to weather conditions. Sometimes, you can get wonderful clear view and other times you may not see anything at all as the valley below you gets covered by clouds. If that happens don't give up easily. Sometimes, even minutes can make a world of a difference, other times, more patience will be needed. But chances are you will get a glimpse of the valley below even if the break in the clouds is short lived. Have the camera ready.
Rainbow over Kalalau ValleyKauai, Hawaii
Rainbow over the Kalalau Valley, Kauai, Hawaii
That was the case on this particular hike. It was drizzling, all covered with clouds, and the ground wet. But the view did open up briefly and we were rewarded with a rainbow too. Just before this moment, the rainbow was actually stronger but I ended up selecting this photo because of the hints of sunshine hitting the valley floor.
And don't forget to look closer. Some of the most beautiful things may not be thousands of feet down a valley but literally right at your feet.
Paradise FernsAt the Edge of Kakalau Valley
Ferns at the Edge of Kalalau Valley, Kauai, Hawaii
Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)
References: Kayak the Na Pali Coast - Epic NaPali Coast Hike
Previously from Hawaii: The Beginning - Seaside Pinhole Photography - Tropical Clichés - Windy Drama of a Tropical Morning - Quite an Ad - Searching for Sun and Warmth - Not Your Sunrise Cliché - So Peaceful - Some Morning Drama - Farmland in the Canyon - Further up Waimea Canyon - At the Edge of Kalalau Valley
Did you enjoy this post and the enclosed photographs? Visit the Landscapes Faraway gallery for natural landscape beyond Western New York to see more. If you are a fan of nature's fall colors, I have an Autumn gallery dedicated to that season for you. Please, let me know if you have any questions about photo products offered, or not offered. Looking for a present? I offer ready to hang solutions like canvas gallery wraps, prints on metal, and matted and framed ready to hang photographs. You can see the photo and product offering on the Products page.
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Pololu Valley BeachBig Island
Ke'e Beach SunsetKauai, Hawaii
Pololu ValleyBig Island
Secret Beach, Kauai, Hawaii.Kauai, Hawaii
Secret Beach, Kauai, HawaiiKauai, Hawaii