I think you will all agree that it has been too long since we visited paradise on this blog. It seems that my last post from Hawaii was in April. Don't despair, we're getting that fixed right now.
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While Kauai definitely has an unlimited supply of grand vistas, whether along its beautiful coastline or inland, there is also lots to see when one pays attention to details. A lot of details, textures, and patterns can be found when one takes a pause and looks a bit more carefully. Often, these are right under your feet, other times right in front of us. Take the strangler fig as an example. There is so much to study, admire, and learn about later when one has a computer or a library handy. But leaving the biological facts aside, there is also beauty in its sheer existence.
Strangler Fig Close Up, Kauai, Hawaii
No worries though, I am not going to leave you hanging without sharing one of those breathtaking ocean vistas. As almost every day at a place like this, it pays to wake early before sunrise and find a spot to enjoy the start of a new day. On this day, I took a walk along the Maha'ulepu Heritage Trail and explored Makawehi Lithified Cliffs. Then, I stopped and enjoyed the wave action for a bit, fixed my camera to a tripod, and click, preserved a memory forever.
Sunrise over Makawehi Lithified CliffsKauai, Hawaii
Sunrise over Makawehi Lithified Cliffs, Kauai, Hawaii
For those curious about the technicalities, while I am still a sucker for long exposures the effect has definitely been overused a bit. At each location, I try to decide what settings will express the feeling at the location the best. Sometimes, it's a very quick shutter speed and other times I still go for a very long one. And then there are situations like this one. Let's keep the shutter open just long enough to show the motion but not long enough to obliterate the details - 1/15 sec in this case.
Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)
Previously from Hawaii: The Beginning - Seaside Pinhole Photography - Tropical Clichés - Windy Drama of a Tropical Morning - Quite an Ad - Searching for Sun and Warmth - Not Your Sunrise Cliché - So Peaceful - Some Morning Drama - Farmland in the Canyon - Further up Waimea Canyon - At the Edge of Kalalau Valley - Tropical Sunrise
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