It's been a while since I added to my Seascapes photo gallery. It appears the last post was from a sunrise so why not balance things out with couple photographs from sunset.
Waiohai Beach SunsetKaua'i, Hawai'i
Waiohai Beach Sunset, Kauai, Hawaii
Yes, I am fulfilling a promise from the last post to post from somewhere warm. I am not sure I timed it all that well though as the beginning of November 2022 does not feel all that different right here in Buffalo, NY. Yesterday's temperatures reached a crazy 76°F and today did not lag too far behind. While a very pleasant summer extension it makes me think how we are going to pay for it with Lake Erie staying this warm. A fun lake effect snow in the making?
Lava Rocks at Waiohai BeachKauai, Hawaii
Lava Rocks at Waiohai Beach, Kauai, Hawaii, Kauai, Hawaii
Which photograph do you prefer? The first one with a shorter exposure time freezing a moment in time close to what one's eyes would see or the second with a long exposure moving us just slightly outside of reality?
Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)
Previously from Hawaii: The Beginning - Seaside Pinhole Photography - Tropical Clichés - Windy Drama of a Tropical Morning - Quite an Ad - Searching for Sun and Warmth - Not Your Sunrise Cliché - So Peaceful - Some Morning Drama - Farmland in the Canyon - Further up Waimea Canyon - At the Edge of Kalalau Valley - Tropical Sunrise - Tropical Sunset
Sunrise over Makawehi Lithified CliffsKauai, Hawaii
Stormy Pacific DaybreakKauai, Hawaii
Lava & WaterKauai, Hawaii
Colors of Sunrise at Shipwreck BeachKauai, Hawaii
The Start of a Beautiful Day at Secret Beach, Kauai, HawaiiKauai, Hawaii